Sometimes you gotta take a break and if you read my bio, you’d see that I hadn’t made it to Nebraska or Kansas, so this trip was the rectification of that. It started with a fast drive to North Carolina to see a good friend of mine from my Navy days and then on to Ohio to visit with our families. I also had my first ever meet the author advent at my old local library where I spent a lot of time during middle and high school. I even got my picture in the paper!

After visiting with our families, Becky and I headed west to Nebraska, seeing some sights there, made a swing into South Dakota to see the infamous “Corn Palace” and then back to Scotts Bluff in Nebraska. After a couple of days there, we stopped at Fort Laramie in Wyoming and then went to the Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado and saw Great Sand Dune National Park farther south. We drove some amazing and sketchy roads and then headed back east to cross Kansas. I can now say I’ve been to both states and spent time in each one. I’m not moving anytime soon.
More Books, Please!
Okay! All right. I’ll get back to writing.
First let me tell you what I’m working on.
Liberty Brigade went to the editor this morning and he usually has it for a full month. That means an October time frame for distribution.
Ryan Weller will reappear in Dark Angel and then in Dark Something or other.
The new series I’m working on spins off Dark Angel, bringing in a character named John Phoenix. He is a CIA case officer and works in Latin America so things aren’t too far off from the RWTS. John gets into trouble just as much as Ryan and I hope you guys like him, too. I think he’ll only have a limited run of six books or so.
I also have a couple more standalone projects that I want to see come to fruition, all in the thriller genre.
As always I am seeking an agent for my Stuntman Series which is now up to three full books with a fourth in the works. If I can’t find one soon, I may just self-publish the series and let you all have a crack at it without all the agent and publisher hoops, although it is a dream to be a hybrid writer, having books both traditionally and self-published.
My plate is full and my writing is always the top priority. However, I’m taking a larger role in an organization dear to my heart, Fishing With America’s Finest and helping them grow as an organization and doing some fundraising for them. Are you a vet who wants to catch the exotic peacock bass in the Everglades? Check out the website.
The last half of 2023 promises to be full and exciting so stay tuned!