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Evan Graver

Liberty Brigade Paperback

Liberty Brigade Paperback

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Liberty Brigade: A Militia Conspiracy Thriller

America is on its knees, betrayed by its government and acting in the interests of the elite. Across the country, an ever-growing network of private militias prepares for the moment the Capitol turns on the people and plunges the United States into chaos. Fanning the flames of discontent and fervently defending the rights afforded under the Constitution, former U.S. Army colonel Paul Moran has a vision of uniting these private armies into a single effective fighting force--Liberty Brigade.

Backed by a mysterious and influential cabal, Moran and his followers plan to overthrow the government by orchestrating a bold and calculated attack to take back control of America’s power base and resources, to finally put them in the hands of the people.

Tasked with investigating the Liberty Brigade, Special Agent Parker Rybeck knows Moran represents a clear and present danger to the corridors of power. As Rybeck follows the trail of a conspiracy that runs much deeper than he could ever imagine, he discovers Moran's burgeoning militia movement is just the beginning.

And when Rybeck learns Moran has acquired four stolen Russian cruise missiles, it becomes clear that the price for freedom will be paid in blood …


358 pages


6 x 9 inches (152 x 229 mm)



Publication Date

December 3, 2024


Third Reef Publishing, LLC


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Liberty Brigade compound
Kenton, Ohio

Following a tour of the Liberty Brigade compound, Phillip Upton sat down in Paul Moran’s office.
He’d arrived early that morning for his prearranged interview. While Moran hadn’t shown him the underground bunkers or the missile control room, the reporter seemed satisfied to take Moran at his word that the militia leader had nothing to hide.
“Beer?” Moran asked good-naturedly. “I know you like your Coors Light.”
“Not right now,” Upton replied. “I’m on the clock.”
“Suit yourself,” Moran said. “Coffee?” He held up the pot in his hand.
“Water,” Upton said. “If you’ve got it.”
Moran retrieved a bottle of water from a mini fridge and handed it to the reporter. After sipping his black coffee, the militia leader sat behind his desk and asked, “So, what do you want to talk about?”
“The floor is yours,” Upton replied, switching on a recording app on his smartphone and reaching for a pad and pencil to jot down the more pertinent parts. “We can discuss the U.N., liberalism—whatever you want.”
“How about the plot to destroy the United States since its inception?”
Upton raised his eyebrows.
“No sooner did the signers of the Declaration of Independence declare themselves free of King George III than someone was conspiring to destroy America. At first, it was King George who sent more troops to fight the Revolutionary War and then the subsequent War of 1812. Once the British determined that military might couldn’t defeat our young country, others began plotting to bring us down from within.”
“Who?” Upton inquired.
“Nowadays, we call them the Deep State, but back then, it was people like the Rothschilds and their banking puppets. These sick people have a fundamental belief that they should be considered the elite and everyone else should be enslaved by them. In their twisted minds, it is not for us to decide our fate but for them.”
“How are the elite and the plot you mentioned connected? I don’t understand.”
“In 1922, Alice Bailey established the Lucis Trust, which prints and distributes materials on behalf of the U.N. In tandem, it also publishes Bailey’s pagan books. One of her books outlines how spiritual master entities run the world from behind the scenes—which is exactly how the U.N. approaches all of its decision-making. Bailey also developed a ten-point plan to usher in the new world order, and the U.N. has also adopted those goals. The problem with Americans is that we’re too trusting. The elite tell us precisely what their plans are, but we’re just too dumb and blind to believe what they’re telling us.
“In 1958, Cleon Skousen published a book called The Naked Communist. In it, he spelled out forty-five goals the Communists had established to take down America.
“Saul Alinsky published Rules for Radicals in 1971, and Hillary Clinton studied at his feet, but like everyone else with a set of rules, all they wanted was power. Obama used Alinsky’s community organization approach and got elected president. But Clinton and Obama are just two examples. Many in our government still follow Alinsky’s teaching and consider his Rules as a playbook to end capitalism and destroy America.”
“You gotta help me out here, Paul, because I’m still lost,” Upton confessed.
“I guess what I’m saying is that all these rules have things in common. They all seek to destroy the family unit, remove religion and God from our lives, and indoctrinate our children to believe in social justice. Do you think those things are happening in our country as we speak?”
Upton seemed unsure but nodded his head as if he concurred.
“Do you know what the difference between socialism and communism is, Phillip?”
“Tell me your version,” Upton replied, unsure of what Moran would say but positive it would make an excellent sound bite.
“Truthfully, there is no difference. It’s just how they get there. Socialists—or collectivists, as I like to call them—believe they can take peaceful control of the individual, their land, and industry by slowly changing government legislation. The communists will just shoot everyone until the rest fall into line. Ultimately, they both want the same thing: a stateless and classless society. Except it’s not. There are two classes—the haves and the have-nots. They want to eat prime beef and force you to eat crickets. They want to fly in private jets and ride in limos while you ride a bicycle or walk. They want to live like rock stars in mansions and tell you to be happy that you have nothing.
“The point is that all throughout history, America has been a target for every one of these liberal idiots to direct their anger at, but it’s all about power and control for them—which I get. I think some skeptics look at what I’m doing by trying to unite the militias as me building a power base, but that’s just media spin. What I’m trying to do is give these patriots the best chance to survive when our tyrannical government decides it no longer wants to abide by the rule of law.”
“You really think the government is out to get you?”
“Absolutely, it is,” Moran retorted. “The ATF keeps a gun registry. The NSA is spying on American citizens through its listening posts in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the UK, as well as here at home. Someone intentionally released COVID-19 from the Wuhan laboratory. Bill Gates and Doctor Fauci are telling us another even stronger pandemic is on the horizon. Each of these elements is all about fear and control, just like when the CIA used Project Mockingbird to control the U.S. news media. Have you seen the videos where dozens of anchors are all reading from the same script?” Upton nodded as Moran continued. “The FBI colludes with social media platforms to subvert conservative views and censor anyone they deem to be spreading disinformation. So, yeah—I think the government is out to get us.”
“I appreciate your knowledge of obscure history, but you haven’t given me anything substantial, Paul. I mean, some of it is true, but still, everything you’ve said makes you look like a whack-a-doo.”
“You’re sitting across from me, Phillip. Do I look like a crazy person to you?”
Upton shook his head as Moran continued. “What I believe is what I believe. But we both know that your censors will chop up whatever you write and edit it to make me look like an even bigger monster, so what do you want me to say?
The reporter pondered Moran’s response for a moment, then said, “I want you to give me a frank answer. Why Liberty Brigade? And why now?”
“The United States is at a crossroads, brought upon us by the infiltration of our government by Deep State actors. We can either return to the constitutional republic we were created to be, with a constitution that limits the power of the government, or we can let tyranny reign. The Deep State worships at the altar built by Stalin and expounded upon by Mao Tse-tung, who killed over 86 million people—more than Hitler and Stalin combined.
“What we’re facing is a war for the hearts and minds of the American people. The question we need to ask ourselves is, will we be individualists or collectivists?”
“What’s the difference?” Upton asked.
“An individual believes their rights must not be subverted by the group, whereas a collectivist believes the rights of the individual must be sacrificed for the greater good. In other words, the group is greater than the individual. An individual provides for himself first, his family second, and then others. A collectivist believes the government is charged with caring for all and will prostrate themselves for the crumbs the group doles out.”
“Interesting analogy,” Upton observed.
“Our young people are being trained to see capitalism as the enemy and the government as its superior alternative. When Mao rose to power, he instituted a cultural revolution to wipe out all the old ways of life. His Red Guard toppled statues, burned buildings, demonized all religions, and pursued dissident voices. They turned neighbor against neighbor, family against family, and brother against brother. And once Mao had the populace under control, he went even further by shaving women’s heads and dressing everyone in the same clothing, basically asexualizing the population to be automatons, so they had no identity. When the Chinese could no longer look to themselves for what they believed, they turned to communism, with Mao as their new god.
“If we look around the globe now,” Moran continued, “we’ll find our ‘leaders’ believe China to be a shining example of what our world should look like. Justin Trudeau, the Canadian prime minister; Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum; and even our president openly admire China and their approach to global governance and population control.
“These men look to Chairman Mao and his revolution as an example of what needs to be done in the U.S. to topple us from the inside. We can compare some of what took place after the death of George Floyd and the resultant Black Lives Matter movement to Mao’s revolution. There were riots in the streets, buildings burned, statues toppled, and then, during COVID, everyone from celebrities to politicians told us to screw our rights and mask up. If we didn’t, they demonize, ostracized, denigrated, and called us names for not trusting their made-up science.
“Once people live in fear, they demand that someone lead them to safety. And who do the people look to for leadership? The government. Obama liked to say, ‘Never let a good crisis go to waste.’ What he meant was that a crisis is an opportunity for the government to seize power. They will create a bill applauded by the populace as a solution, but in reality, the government is consolidating its power. Over time, if we don’t stop their power play, our beloved country will be like China: a nation controlled solely by the government. We’ll have a social credit score that forces compliance with government mandates. Suppose one chooses to go against those policies. In that case, the government will shut down their bank accounts, strip them of their property, establish a blacklist to serve as a whip to reestablish moral values, and incentivize the dissidents friends and family to report on their activities. For those that don’t comply, they’ll put them in a prison camp to ‘reeducate’ them—another code word for torture, by the way.
“But I want to circle back to Carl Marx and his little manifesto because we can see how his theories are playing out right here in America. One of Marx’s central ideologies was to destroy the nuclear family. Children with a mother and father have a central system of support and loyalty that is higher than the state. What we see in our education system is indoctrination that teaches children to fear their parents and that parents do not have the right to choose what is best for their offspring. This forces young minds to look elsewhere for the support they need, be it from teachers, coaches, peer groups … And when all else fails, as in China, they will turn to the state for guidance.”
“Seriously?” Upton broke into Moran’s tirade. “You’re suggesting that our demand for equal justice after the death of George Floyd equates to Mao’s Red Guard? Mao imposed a cultural cleansing, launched under an authoritarian system. While the BLM protests were mostly peaceful, they were intended to raise awareness of racial discrimination in the United States. BLM didn’t want to destroy the entire history and traditional culture of our country.”
Moran laughed. “Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi―the founders of Black Lives Matter―all claim to be trained Marxists and, as such, follow his playbook. Intense financial background checks against BLM and other movements organized by these three women proved they were funded directly by the Chinese and by guys like George Soros, who openly state they want a centralized world government.”
“What is the point of this history lesson?” Upton asked irritably.
“You wanted to know what was on my mind,” Moran stated. “I think we’re at the crossroads of civil war.”
“Is that why you founded Liberty Brigade?”
“Liberty Brigade is nothing more than an umbrella organization. I’m not asking anyone to give up the work they’re doing with their home militia to join me. My goal is, and has always been, nationalizing what I call the STAMP program—Standard Training and Militia Procurement. When the Founding Fathers wrote the 2A, they wrote ‘a well-regulated militia.’ That doesn’t mean controlled by the government. It means well-trained, well-armed individual citizens who are prepared to defend the country. So, my partners and I have developed standardized training manuals to ensure U.S. militias can operate as cohesive units should the need arise. Much like the training systems we use in the military, these allow for seamless integration of units and practices.
“The procurement portion is to help militia units acquire the gear, tools, vehicles, or whatever else they may need via simple supply chains. There are a lot of companies out there that build military-style gear, and I’ve made deals with them to sell equipment to my people at reduced rates. The same goes for survival companies, firearms and ammunition manufacturers, and outdoor supply corporations.”
“I’m glad you brought that up,” Upton stated. “There have been rumors floating around that you’re selling black-market firearms stolen from the U.S. Army. What do you say about those allegations?”
Moran’s face turned deadly serious as he leaned forward and placed his forearms on the desk. “Phillip, I can assure you that neither myself nor any of my people are selling weapons stolen from the U.S. Army.” It was a true statement because Moran had safely cached the guns in his bunker. Everything from SIG Sauer pistols to Stinger missiles resided beneath their feet. “Anytime a guy like me surfaces, the media likes to paint us with the same brush. They think we’re all Bible-thumping, gunrunning, white supremacists. Sure, some are, but not me. I love God and want you to know Him personally, but I’m not going to take away your free will to choose what to believe. During my military service, I had the privilege of working alongside people of every race and religion. I never had a problem with any of them unless they didn’t do their job.”
Moran, wanting to get off the topic of gunrunning quickly, switched to talking about one of his favorite topics, Liberty Brigade.
“Standardizing militia training also saves lives by preventing mistakes. If all personnel receive the same training, working together will be easier. And we need to be as strong as possible. Some of the more liberal states are cracking down on militia movements, branding us domestic terrorists.”
“All fifty states have rules prohibiting private militias,” Upton said. “And the FBI would brand you as an extremist for your views.”
Again, Moran laughed. “Can you believe anything the FBI has to say these days? They take orders from the highest bidder.”
“Not every agent is on the take, Paul,” Upton replied cynically.
“True. There are some excellent agents out there―and we need them. We need effective law enforcement, from the U.S. Attorney General down to the lowest recruit in the local police department.”
“But you don’t believe you’re extreme?”
“If I’m extreme, it’s because my critics have labeled me as such. Obama called us ‘bitter clingers’ for holding onto our guns and religion to explain our frustrations. Hillary Clinton called half of America a ‘basket of deplorables’ because she thinks we’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, or whatever label she wants to throw at us, which is another Marxist tactic. And that’s what left-leaning politicians are good at. They call us names. They put us in boxes. They can’t stand the fact we have independent thoughts and views that counter their liberal lies.
“I don’t think my ideas are any different from what our Founding Fathers had or those of my father and grandfather. No one wants to pay taxes, and no one wants to live under the thumb of an oppressive government. I want the government to stop growing and demanding changes to the Constitution. I think it’s time for the government to listen to the people again. After all, we are not a democracy but a constitutional republic. We elect representatives, not leaders.
“And that’s another progressive ideal: shift the language so we think differently. Representatives become leaders, and electors become slaves. Our culture is being assaulted, and we’re being told to bend over and take it. Who will stand up for the people when the elections are rigged, Phillip?”
Upton raised his eyebrows.
Moran smiled as he said, “Liberty Brigade.”

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